Articles by category " Lifestyle "


Nutrition that isn't properly tracked and excessive physical strain can lead to cardiac arrest. Here are some suggestions for safeguarding your heart.

27-04-2024 / 0 comments

In today's fast-paced world, where convenience often takes precedence over health, the consequences of unmeasured nutrition and overexertion on our


Discover the ten most venomous animals: prepare to encounter some unexpected venomous creatures along the way...

26-04-2024 / 0 comments

Beyond just specific snakes and spiders to be wary of, here's our rundown of the top ten most venomous animals, spanning surprising sea dwellers to


Here are 8 wonderful activities to deepen the connection with your furry pets.

25-04-2024 / 0 comments

Exciting ways to strengthen your bond with your pet through enjoyable activities.
1. Create your own agility circuit


Stop believing these 8 myths about IVF in older women.

24-04-2024 / 0 comments

Dr. Arunima Haldar, IVF Consultant at Manipal Hospital, stressed understanding IVF realities for older women. She noted that women over 35 are cons


What is Schizophrenia ? Symptoms and causes

23-04-2024 / 0 comments

#Overview:Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by abnormal interpretations of reality. It often involves a mix

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